Job Details: Horizon Nua: Digital Marketing and Content Officer

Irish Future
Talbot Street
Dublin 1
Horizon Nua: Digital Marketing and Content Officer
(CNEP) is an innovation of the
H * funded Connecting Nature project. It was
developed as a response to the increasing demand for nature-based
solutions (NBS) to climate change & biodiversity loss. Today it
operates as both a marketplace and a networking platform for private
and public professionals involved in the delivery of nature-based
solutions. As demand for NBS continues to grow, the challenge of
finding skilled & reputable suppliers of NBS is very real for regional
governments and local authorities. This is the gap the platform now
fills and continues to expand in.

Since its launch in October *, CNEP has
established itself as the world’s largest community of nature based
enterprises with more than * active members.
The platform has * different communities each
moderated by a Community Ambassador, a leading nature-based enterprise
in their field of practice. Each community delivers a wide range of
actions to raise awareness of and support the growth of nature-based
enterprises in their respective sector.

Horizon Nua is a partner in 8 different Horizon Europe Research and/or
Innovation Actions that constitutes the bulk of our work. Each of
these actions has a specific communications and dissemination work
package in which we are involved. In addition, we organise both online
and offline events, capacity building sessions, webinars, workshops
and focus groups in our projects as well as through the Connecting
Nature Enterprise Platform. Horizon Nua’s own activity and
contribution to the evolution of the nature -positive economy
continues to gain traction and build momentum.


For full details, please visit our JOB OPPORTUNITIES page

We need : English (Good)

Type: Permanent
Category: Others

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